Potter County Human Services

Contacts & Directions

Potter County Human Services
62 North Street, PO Box 241
Roulette, PA 16746

Potter County Mental Health Hotline
Toll Free: (866) 957-3224
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Google Map & Directions | Toll Free: (800) 800-2560 | Phone: (814) 544-7315 | Fax: (814) 544-9062

When You Call...

Many services have been created to meet the physical, social, and emotional needs of people to enable them to remain in the community. Dealing with any bureaucratic agency can be frustrating. You should keep an informal written record, a log or diary, for recording information you will need later on. The following suggestions will help you cut through red tape and find the assistance you need.

Be specific.  Know exactly what you want before you call a particular agency. Talk to the care-receiver, doctor, clergy, social worker, etc., and get a clear idea of the type of service you want. If you are unsure of the exact type of agency you need, ask us. Potter County Human Services will provide you with a direct reference or an idea of the type of agency to call.
Be polite but firm.  Do not lose your temper and hang up. Explain your problem as clearly and as often as necessary.
Try to call in the morning or right after lunch.  These are probably the best times to reach caseworkers.
Don't apologize when asking for help.  If you cannot afford even a minimal fee, say so! Many human service agencies receive money through taxes, contributions, and other sources which may pay charges for the services.  Also, some agencies have free volunteer services.
Get the name of everyone you talk to.  If someone is rude, refuses to help or is impolite, don't lose your temper. Remain calm but demand to talk to the person's supervisor.
If the agency requires an intake interview, be prepared.  Take all relevant legal and financial papers with you. If you feel stressed, take someone with you. If necessary, take notes during the interview and be sure that you are clear as to what is going to happen and what responsibilities you have, including legal and financial.


From Coudersport, travel west on Route 6 for 10 miles; turn left at the second entrance to Roulette (the Little League field will be on your right). Take the first left onto North Street, and travel about 100 yards. Potter County Human Services is on the left.

Website Accessibility Statement

Potter County Human Services, Potter County Pa. | pottercountyhumansvcs.org

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